









《大学英语阅读真题深度训练(4级)》由陈玲主编,精选2002年以来大学英语四级考试中的阅读真题,按文章主题分为10个单元。每篇文章分别从“大纲词汇点睛”、“长难句解析”以及“佳句背诵”几个栏目,帮助读者全面掌握阅读文章的精髓。在此基础上,设计了针对文章内容的“深度理解”题目,以及针对文章内关键词句应用的“拓展训练”题,方便读者检验学习效果,从而切实提升词汇、阅读能力。    本书的练习均附有答案,读者可根据自身情况选择不同的练习题,有的放矢地进行复习、热身和提高训练。


Topic 1 Career职场风云
    Passage 1 Trying Something New
    Passage 2 Guidelines for Resumes in Cross-Border Job Hunting
    Passage 3 Office Politics
    Passage 4 Asking for a Raise in Salary
    Passage 5 Specialists Or Generalists
Topic 2 Educational Practices注视教育
    Passage 1 Foreign Vice—chancellors in Universities
    Passage 2 Fathers’Impact on Kids’Language Development
    Passage 3 Peace Education Projects
    Passage 4 Budget Shortage of the Vrain SChool District
    Passage 5 Teaching Children to Say Sorry
    Passage 6 Early Childhood Education in Japan
    Passage 7 Importance of a Broad Education
Topic 3 Female Perspective女性视角
    Passage 1 Michelle Obama
    Passage 2 Being a Woman Scientist  
    Passage 3 Changes in Women’s Life
    Passage 4 Educating Girls
    Passage 5 Princess Diana’S Trip to Angola
Topic 4 Environmental Issues关注环境
    Passage 1 Green Houses
    Passage 2 Green Fashion
    Passage 3 Global Warming
    Passage 4 EI Nino
    Passage 5 Tapping Oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Or Not
    Passage 6 Preserving the Land with the Local Community
    Passage 7 Lead and the Environment
    Passage 8 Mter the Hurricane
Topic 5 Business、World商海泛舟
    Passage 1 Unhappy Customers:Obstacles or Challenges
    Passage 2 Overseas Marketing Strategies of Lay’S Potato Chips
    Passage 3 Vague Claims on Product Packaging
    Passage 4 Customers—related Changes in Companies
Topic 6 Understanding Children认识孩子
    Passage 1 Giving Children More Room
    Passage 2 0lder Parents
    Passage 3 How to Help Kids Reduce Stress
    Passage 4 Premature Children
    Passage 5 Time Crunch of Children
Topic 7 Myths of Science解密科学
    Passage 1 The Black Box
    Passage 2 A Strand of Hair Tells
    Passage 3 Lies and Communication Means
    Passage 4 Secrets of Absent.mindedness
    Passage 5 Absent—mindedness
Topic 8 The Changing World感知社会
    Passage 1 Privacy Loss
    Passage 2 Trend toward Casual Dining
    Passage 3 Fitness Movement
    Passage 4 The Graying of America
    Passage 5 Moral Decline in America
Topic 9 Learning学海拾贝
    Passage 1 Importance of Practice in Writing
    Passage 2 Importance of Books
    Passage 3 Internet—based Instruction in Universities
    Passage 4 Creative Writing Or Critical Writing
Topic 10 Health重视健康
    Passage 1 Positive Thinking May Make People More Negative
    Passage 2 Importance of Preventive Check—ups
    Passage 3 Pain
    Passage 4“Well”and‘Wellness”
    Passage 5 Benefits of Manageable Stress
    Passage 6 Cold VS Flu
    Passage 7 Exercise and Weight Loss