









本书源自一项关于任务型教学在中学课堂实施的研究。该研究理论基础源于著名英语语言学家B.Littlewood的five-category activity以及P.Skehan的认知语言学理论。作者创新地将上述理论框架运用到COLT(Communicatire Orientation of Lmguage Teaehing)课堂观察体系中,科学地设计出对任务型教学进行课堂评价的标准和模板(An adapted version of COLT Part A,for TBLT classrooms)。本书不仅对任务型教学在中国的发展做了充足的文献回顾,而且还采用案例分析法,对中学英语教师的教学情况作了分析和总结。数据由课堂观察和采访提供,采用量化和质化结合的方法进行分析。本著作的目标读者为:英语教育工作者,中小学英语教师,英语教学研究人员,应用语言学专业研究生。 more


Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 ELT in China: The Past and the Present
1.2 New Challenges for EFL Teachers in China
1.3 Statement of the Problem
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Significance of the Study
1.6 Limitations of the Study
1.7 Overview of the Thesis
1.8 Summary
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Development of Approaches to ELT
2.3 An Historical Overview of TBA
2.3.1 Theoretical Rationale of TBA
2.3.2 Definitions of Tasks and TBA
2.3.3 Theoretical and Conceptual Frameworks of TBA Implementation
2.4 TBA and Curricular Innovation in China
2.4.1 The Development of Secondary School English Curricula in China
2.4.2 TBA in the Latest Curriculum
2.5 Factors Influencing the Implementation of TBA in China
2.5.1 National Level Factors
2.5.2 Local Level Factors
2.5.3 Classroom Level Factors
2.6 Teacher Beliefs
2.6.1 Definitions of Teachers' Beliefs
2.6.2 Source and Content of Teachers' Beliefs in 'Ibis Study
2.7 Recent Concerns of TBA and Its Implementfftion
2.8 General Conceptual Framework of This Study
2.9 Summary
Chapter 3 Methodology
3.1 Introduction
3.2 A Case Study Approach
3.3 The Research Context
3.4 Screening of Participants
3.4.1 Screening Process
3.4.2 Initial Interviews and Observations
3.5 Data Collection
3.5.1 Introduction
3.5.2 Procedures
3.5.3 Data Collection Instrument
3.6 Data Analysis
3.6.1 Introduction
3.6.2 Refinement of Focal Cases
3.6.3 Quantitative Data Analysis
3.6.4 Qualitative Data Anaysis
3.6.5 Cross-case Analysis
3.6.6 Validity and Reliability
3.7 Summary
Chapter 4 Racy and Tina
4.1 Introduction
4.2 NFLS School Context
4.3 Case Studies
4.3.1 Case Studyl: Racy
4.3.2 Case Study2: Tina
Chapter 5 Marie and Daisy
5.1 Introduction
5.2 NES School Context
5.3 Case Studies
5.3.1 Case Study3: Marie
5.3.2 Case Study 4: Daisy
Chapter 6 Cross-Case Analysis
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Teachers' TBLT Practices
6.2.1 Teaching Design
6.2.2 Organization
6.2.3 Activities and Tasks
6.2.4 Grammar Teaching
6.2.5 Four Skill Instruction
6.2.6 Teacher Roles
6.2.7 Assessment
6.3 Teachers' Beiefs
6.3.1 Beliefs about Tasks and TBLT
6.3.2 Beliefs about Teaching Materials and Teaching Aids
6.3.3 Beliefs about Exams
6.3.4 Beliefs about Teacher Training
6.4 Factors Affecting Teachers' TBLT Practices
6.5 Summary
Chapter 7 Conclusions and Implications
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Summary of Findings
7.2.1 Research Question One: How is TBLT being implemented in classrooms?
7.2.2 Research Question Two: What are teachers' beliefs of TBLT?
7.2.3 Research Question Three: What factors seem to contribute to TBLT implementation?
7.3 Implications for Practice
7.3.1 Implications for Educational Policymakers and Curriculum Planners
7.3.2 Implications for Local EFL Program Administrators
7.3.3 Implications for EFL Instructors
7.4 Areas for Further Research
Appendix A COLT Part A (adapted)
Appendix B Interview Questions
List of Tables and Fiqures